Hi Rolo,

It was nice to read about you on 1,000 Goldens and here at your blog.

Gopher and Chad
Hello Rolo. It's such a long time since I last saw you, a smiling, tongue-lolling puppy come teenager who frolicked and bounced with our much-loved Leto but you'll be pleased to know that you are just as devastatingly handsome in your pictures and my oh my haven't the writing talents of your parents rubbed off on you! xx
Hello Rolo

You certainly have the ability to put a smile on your Auntie Lyn's face. I've just been reading your blog again and you really do amuse me. But why are you so horrid about your brother. What about some brotherly LOVE? Come on, you must be able to think of something nice about him - i have a strong feeling that it is all a big act on your part and if he got into any troublesome situation you would be there for him - no you are not going to deny it 'cause i know you would.
Looking forward to next chapter.
My love to you and INDI - so there.

Hey Rolo,

Thought you might like to know that you and SB have been added to Aunty Michaela's Eye Candy Corner wall at work. Believe me, that's an honour! I'll take a pic on my phone when I get a sec and send it to Mum.
Hope the arthritis isn't making you too stiff. I'll bring you a bone next time I visit (yes, SB will have to have one too).

Lots of love Beautiful Boy ,

Aunty Michaela xxx
Hi Rolo, Just to let you know I am keeping my eye on you and if you ever sneak in and steal my food again you will be in BIG trouble. SB has never done it, in fact he is very well behaved. My Dad sometimes plays with him when Uncle Nigel is busy. He is very good at fetching balls and can do it for hours without getting bored. And he always comes out the house and goes back when he is told. Not like some dogs I could mention.
hi neighbour, princess izzy blogging. cool photos dude. how about taking a stroll sometime you handsome man you. mind you i do get a little fed up with you aloofness and snobbishness but luckily for me your bro indie is always up for it. i don't suppose you and indie want to hang out tomorrow 17th at your house after i have had a walk as my mum will be very tired after working all night. she needs her beauty sleep. blog soon rolls. xxx princess
Rollo you're giving me ideas and I might just have to start a web blog of my own. The trouble is i spend so much time sleeping on my back with all four feet in the air that I may never actually get round to it. Either that or I'm poking my nose into anything and everything, because I'm a very sniffy Labradog - Yellow, of course, I don't have time for these dirty brown things that pretend to be chocolate dogs - they don't taste of chocolate.
I like your pictures and applaud your self congratulation on your coming of age. You look most dognified in the water. That's one of my other favourite past times - plunging into any and every dirty puddle I can find and then lying in front of a radiator perfuming the room with odour wet dog. My boss says it ought to be eau de wet dog, but he's daft.
Hi Rolo,
Wow, your own blog, how cool is that! We thought we were clever being able to send emails.
Say HI to Indi (and your mum) from us.
Love Rolo & Dexter (we're the chocolate and black labs that meet Indi at Ringcraft sometimes)
belated birthday wishes - A Lovely Lovely Boy indeed - .
Aaaah Rolo, my sweet! Happy belated wishes for the big 1-0. When I'm next up visiting Mummy, I promise to bring you a super-nice pressie. And maybe you can sleep on the bed with me as a treat.
Miss you heaps (and your Mummy),

Love Aunty Michaela xxx